Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Little Night Music

There will be music in the bedroom, for awhile
The bedroom will not be the bedroom, but you will hear
Cymbals and the clamor of violins, bass
And bass drum, and the winds playing on a reed like gales
Tipping at a sunset full of sails.

These sounds will bring you to other meanings:
Music is a way to feel the gentleness of things, or their
Harshness waiting in the air, how long strokes of a scythe
Ready themselves for the wheat while above them the beat
Of spring rain falls around your feet.

All this is and is not, because music means
The pliability of common things:
If only to live in the world for a moment
As its moment, movement of crescendo
Where the still spaces are a fiction and the factories twist
Through the air like hot glass.

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