Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Science of Reality

Why turn away from the universe towards what is not?
The reality of the senses should be realized in the mind,
Not through an act of language, but by assent.

There is a whole work of the assent, a poetics of the assent,
Which we could call the ascent towards reality,
Because we are moving from the clouded surface of our thoughts,
Which mirrors and reflects it,
To reality itself.

Every structure, insofar as it is merely logical, is an enemy of reality:
Language is such a structure, mathematics, history, etc.
We want to see how these structures derive from reality,
That is, to experience their being in terms of what they show
And not in terms of what they tell.

But just as Wittgenstein said that the mystical
Was the experience of the whole as a limit
Beyond which we cannot think,
Can't I object that the mystical lies in the experience of parts
Suddenly made whole, misaligned from the totality of the real
So that they become, in themselves, its entire significance,
That is, a symbol? But these are the living symbols,
And must be experienced as such. There is a principle in reality
That aids in the destruction of language,
Because every part of reality can be experienced
Outside of that structure.

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