Monday, April 04, 2005

Ens Hic Iam

Placidity: thinking no farther than the moment
And the momentary, and so,
Within these boundaries,
Feeling each thing together
Or distinctly from all other things. Here

Pleasure overlaps with the intolerable, the different,
And the merely good. The consequences of each decision
Ripple across the face of the present, leaving it altered
Though unchanged in regards to the whole,
As when a triangle chimes, but it is still a triangle:
It all reflects the tenor of something smooth, despite
Minute undulations, though these undulations
Are a part of the flickering eyes, which are themselves
The seer and the sea. This immensity
Lies under things, is their foundation and support,
Although it manifests itself by showing forth
Its contrarieties, as if some supervenient quality
Maintained itself quite separately from what it was, as if
The alphabet spelt out a word beyond its means.

So it is something hidden, necessary but denied,
Like the rock that gathers underneath the moss,
Quickening or silent, moving deeper and deeper into itself
Until it changes to a molten mass, until it transforms
Into a protean diversity, solely metamorphoses, and is
The double face of death and being.

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