Monday, October 09, 2006

Survey of Eastern Phil

The ideal is to delve into whatever is there,
To take up each item like an expensive
Rock and cultivate its edges, peering down
From pince-nez, lips curled into half
A smile, half sneer, while the giddy prospector
Mines the chances of transaction in the wrinkles
On your face. Is that what Buddha meant,
To treat the senses like a rara avis,
Always under watch and kept in cage? “You must,”
Said maybe, focusing intently on his feelings,
“Let it be.” -- And that was that -- enlightenment.

And some have thought the thought profound, they saw
A swathe of cars hurtling down a lane and the windows
Of the houses half cracked up exhaling sleep and knew
That “this much must be true”, a ‘this’ that takes in everyting
Like a sop of crust in soup or soggy cereal, now I don’t know
A lot about the thing myself, just joyous for a rhyme between
(Or even in) the lines, but it does give a man something
To write about when he scrunches up his face and asks,
“What’s here?”

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