Friday, September 08, 2006

Artistic Moment

A place is divided, uncertain, hazy:
A place contains room, a room,
A set of rooms. You walk through
A hallway between the rooms, hallways
Are always connected to hallways,
Anticipating their division into rooms, cont-
Aining them in uncertain ways, hidden behind h-
Azy walls.

You see how things deteriorate? There is no way
To follow the rules -- and you were going to discover
These rules, you path-finder, rule-maker,
Ruler and paver! -- But

It is exactly like (exactly, likely)
Searching for water
In a hot place:

You should know what clusters around
The water, where the desert divides into mountains
And trees, what store-houses emergent
From the carcass of the land yield fruit:

Is this something like picking your way through a

In this way nothing is being said, nothing at all

Of which we cannot speak.

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