Sunday, October 05, 2008

The light must come from the window,
Even though the curtains
Gauze it to the right and from the left
Drape the naked sky. The shorter of the two,
The one with the unkempt beard
Is watching what must be the setting sun
Throw his light into the wall;
It dribbles to the floor. The other, posed,
Regards the frame – really I suppose
The subject of their double gaze, even if
The corners of the first one's eyes
Appear to intersect the glass.
The tall one leaning on the mount
Makes three; he studies on their study.
A staircase to their left
Supports the glance of separating friends:
White collar, sweater, and brown slacks,
The black, the pointed shoes, and bundled coat,
Two feet unevenly ascending and the head
He's tilted up. Further a red chair, facing front
A sofa draped in white supports
A couple nudes, both dark
And light, and several paintings, too.

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