Sunday, April 15, 2007

In Memoriam

In three languages that is written
Whose progress is the Jew
Already lost in memory; a race
Of lords, the ancient Greeks;
And through the Romans’
Rex, whose firm prestige
Was their dominions’
Reach: (in English) it says
“Jesus Christ, the king…”

The nails stuck in his feet ooze
Through the dark of time
And all its infinite space,
From which a light shines
On the down-trod face,
Atop whose crown are laced
The trickling hairs.

Blood as in reproach
Encroaches on the pure,
White skin, the nipple
That has suffered sin –
But this is not a time for jokes.

Who was the man, that
Hanging by the nails,
Has nothing more to say?
Who is the man today?

Through the cold and the silence
A sign alone must speak:
He was “King of the Jews,
The Romans, and the Greeks.”

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