Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Monster of fear, showing himself
Behind what I see, reflection
On a screen of reflections
Drifting beneath each other
Like currents, like the clouds
Passing behind the window

Outside, where youth passes
Tossing the golden ball
Of its sun, while my agile
Digits stumble over words.

Unnatural, what is growing
In me, what the blood also drifting
Into his replicating maws
Means -- what? That the bright
Buildings will drift out of light
Like the heads of candles. Phones

Ring, voice plays over rhythm;
How is the rhythm beyond my trembling
Fingers? The torrents of words
Displaced into structures of hope
Rectify the lost certainty of an outside
Misplaced. I have not forgotten you

Golden orb whose glow over everything
Appertains, who strikes thoughts of violet
Scattering, like birds, through the veins.

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