Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We Return

If we take How as the question
When "I" becomes the object of our inquiry rather than the subject from which it proceeds
But when we recognize too that this "I" is neither object nor subject
When we recognize that "I" is not constituted sufficiently as either object or subject
Then a new understanding of How becomes possible
Not as the elaboration of the ways in which each "I" accomplishes itself
But as the very possibility of such an elaboration, inscribed:
Transparency – when the thing is the word, not because the word represents,
But because we recognize the word *as* a thing;
Transparency – the fountain of truth, whose clearing
Depends on the forest, depends on our thirst, but is itself new,
Not because it is a "new possibility" or "another perspective"
But because the limits of all perspective have been disclosed,
Because perspective itself has been "put in perspective"
So that the song of transparency is transparent song,
Daughter of Time, Art, Being, Historicity:
Of Time because she is time made palpable in its transparency as the message that conveys it
Which is the Art
Which Art is itself the realization of the highest mode of Being,
When Being becomes Being for itself and by itself
(Because Being knows itself)
And of Historicity because it partakes of the Now,
Of *this* Now, and not of any other, supposed or past.

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